Saturday, April 21, 2007

Odds and Probabilities

Odds and chances are of import to the game of poker, they necessitate a small spot of math, but they are really not that hard once you pattern with them. The cardinal is to pass some time working with them so you acquire comfortable in using them, and understand what is going on.

Why are Likelihood and Probabilities Important

Why must we understand likelihood and probabilities? As I explained in another article, the accomplishment portion of poker, to a big extent, dwells of making good stakes and avoiding bad bets. The player who do the best determinations will win in the long term. Brand the incorrect decisions, and you will lose over the long term.

In a coin flipping example, there is an equal opportunity of getting a caput or a tail. If you were to set up a dollar for every caput that turned up, and your friend set up a dollar for every tail that turned up, you would have got an even bet. Since the opportunities of a caput or tail on any coin impudent are equal, your likelihood are also 1 to 1. One time you will win, and one time you will lose. In this example, both you and your friend anticipate to win the same amount over time, $0. This is neither a good stake nor a bad bet, but neutral. You shouldn’t be interested in taking the stake however because the best you can make over time is interruption even.

On the other hand, if you set up $1 for every head, and your friend set up $2 for every tail, you would have got an edge. The opportunities of flipping caputs and dress suit will still be even, but you acquire paid more than when you win, so over time you will do a profit. This is a stake you should take since you anticipate to do a net income over time. If you had to set up $2, and your friend set up only $1, you would anticipate to lose money. This would be a bad stake for you.

In a coin flipping example, the picks are easy to understand, since there are only 2 possibilities. This is not always the case. In poker the picks are much more than complicated, which is why it is of import to understand likeliness and probabilities, in order to do good decisions.


Probability is the likelihood that something will happen. For instance, when you hear the weather condition study in the morning, and the weatherperson tells you that there is a 20% opportunity of rainfall they are saying that the chance of rainfall is 20%.

Some of import conceptions to understand here are that if there is a 20% chance that it will rain, there is an 80% chance that it will not rain. Probabilities can not add up to more than than 100%, and the sum of money of all of the assorted possibilities must add up to 100%.

In simple lawsuits like a coin flip, or the opportunity of rain, where there are only 2 possibilities, the 2 chances will add to 100%. In some states of affairs however there will be more than than 2 possibilities. If we only cipher some of the probabilities, they will not add up to 100%, because we did not see all of the possibilities, but those possibilities still exist, and must add up to 100% inch total.

Another manner to compose the same information is to state that there is a .2 chance of rain, and that there is therefore a .8 chance that it will not rain. The sum chance can not be more than than than 1, and once again all of the possibilities must add up to 1.


Odds are a different manner of expressing the same information, but in a manner that is often more applicable to poker and other gambling games.

While chance is expressed as a decimal fraction number, or a percentage, likelihood are expressed as 2 Numbers separated by a colon such as as 5:1. By convention this notational system bespeaks that the likelihood are 5 to 1 against the event occurring.

There are different ways of saying the same thing, and of explaining what the Numbers mean. In the example, let’s presume that the event we are interested in is getting 1 peculiar card that we necessitate in order to do our hand. The notational system tells us that 5 times we will neglect to acquire the card we need, and 1 time, we will acquire the card we need. Using that same example, we will acquire the card we necessitate 1 time in 6 attempts, or 1/6.

Working with Likelihood and Probability

Note that although chance is normally stated as a percentage, or a decimal fraction fraction number, percents and decimal Numbers are simply fractions expressed, or written, in a different way. For instance, 1/6 is the chance of getting the card we need. If you split the 1 on top, by the 6 on the bottom, you acquire .167, or 16.7%. All 3 of these Numbers intend exactly the same thing, there is a chance of 1/6, or .167, or 16.7% of getting the card we need.

Putting it all together, 5:1 agency losing 5 times for every 1 win, winning 1 time out of 6 attempts, the chance of getting the 1 card is 1/6, .167 or 16.7%. The chance of not getting the card you desire is 1 - .167, or .833, or 83.3%. Once you cognize the chance of getting the card, and the chance of not getting the card, you can set that information into the word form of odds. In our illustration that goes 83.3:16.7 against getting your card.

You normally cut down likelihood to the word form X:1 to do comparings easier. To make that, you simply split both Numbers by the figure on the right. i.e. in the illustration 83.3:16.7 you split 16.7 by 16.7 to acquire 1, and then split 83.3 by 16.7 to acquire 5, giving you 5:1, which is exactly where we started.

Of course if you make the mathematics you will see that I rounded the figure off in all lawsuits since Numbers like .16666666666 are hard to work with, and for our purposes, .167, .833 and 5 are plenty accurate enough.

Going back to the weather condition illustration from the beginning, there is a 20% opportunity of rain, which intends that there is an 80% opportunity that it will not rain. Putting these Numbers in the word form of odds, it is 80:20 against it raining. Simplifying, watershed both sides by 20 and you acquire 4:1 against it raining. You can set this dorsum into the word form of a chance by adding the 2 Numbers together and then putting the right figure on top, i.e. Four plus 1 is 5, set the 1 from the right side on top of that and you acquire 1/5. There is one opportunity in 5 that it will rain. To show the fraction as a decimal fraction number, watershed the figure on top by the figure on the bottom, i.e. One divided by 5 and you acquire .2. To show that as a percentage, multiply by 100 and you acquire 20% opportunity of rain. Right back with the figure we started with, because they are all ways of saying the same thing.

Why usage Both

Stating the state of affairs in the word form of odds, as in 5:1 gives us a clearer image of where we stand up than saying we have got a 16.7% opportunity of getting the card. As well, it gives a more than complete image since, for the opportunity we desire to cognize both that there is a 16.7% opportunity of getting the card and an 83.3% chance of not getting the card.

Odds can not be used in all states of affairs however. For instance, on the first card you are dealt, the likelihood of getting an Ace are 12:1, the likelihood of getting an Ace on the 2nd card, given that you got an Ace on the first, are 16:1. If you desire to cognize the likelihood of getting a brace of Aces however, you can not cipher them directly from the odds, you must utilize probabilities.

Using chances to make this, there are 4 Aces out of 52 cards, so the chance of getting an Ace on the first card is 4/52 or 1/13. The opportunities of getting an Ace on the 2nd card are 3 Aces, since we already have got 1, in 51 remaining cards, which is 3/51 or 1/17. You can then multiply the 2 chances to acquire the answer.

You can make this in 1 of 2 ways. You can multiply the fractions 4/52 * 3/51, or 1/13 * 1/17, to acquire 12/2652 or 1/221 and then convert to odds. i.e 2652-12:12, is 2640:12 is 220:1, or 221-1:1 is 220:1.

You can also convert each of the fractions to decimals, 4/52 ~ .077, and 3/51 ~ .059, then multiply .077 * .059 ~ .0045, convert to a per centum by multiplying this figure by 100 and there is a .4525% of getting a brace of Aces as your first 2 cards. Since there is a .4525% opportunity of getting a brace of Aces, there is a 100 - .4525 = 99.5475% opportunity of not getting a brace of Aces. The likelihood against getting a brace of Aces on the first 2 cards are 99.5475:.4525, simplifying, we split both sides by .4525 and we stop up with 220:1, the same answer.

Note that when doing a series of trading operations such as as above, you can’t unit of ammunition the Numbers off until you finish all of the computations or it will significantly impact your results. I used Numbers such as as .077 above instead of typing out the full long decimal fraction number, but I used the existent Numbers in the calculations.

Of course, trying to make this mathematics at the table would not be practical, so for many common states of affairs we memorise the odds, or probabilities. For instance, the likelihood of person having any 1 specific brace as their first 2 cards are 220:1. i.e. it is 220:1 that they will have got got KK, 220:1 that they will have QQ etc. Inch order to do memorizing easier, I will supply tables of many common likelihood and chances in later articles.

As we will see in the adjacent Likelihood related article, there are a couple of more than good grounds to utilize likelihood instead of probability. One is that likelihood are much easier to cipher while sitting at the table. The other is that the likelihood can be used directly in deciding if we have got a good stake or a bad bet.

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