Monday, June 04, 2007

Poker Guides - Secrets To Buying A Great Poker Guide

Have you heard the ads for that new poker guide? I am not going to name it here for the simple fact that the author will probably try and sue me out of anger, but I will say that nearly everyone that has bought that guide has wasted their money. Why? Because the information he has in his so-called "poker guide" is nothing more than a bunch of old, re-hashed, outdated information! You could honestly get all of his tips by just hanging out in a poker forum and reading the posts. So why do people buy it? Simple...they don't know the secrets to buying a great poker guide!

See, if you listen to these guys that are selling these poker guides you might get the impression that you can get rich by the end of the week and to be perfectly honest, you probably won't. I've been playing poker for ten years now and I can tell you that the money just does not happen overnight. Other than the select few that hit that lucky streak, it will take time to amass a fortune.

Don't get discouraged though! You can still make great money right off the bat and there are still some very great poker guides out there. You just have to know which ones are good and which ones are crap. How do you do that? Well let me show you how.

First - Look at the author. Is he real? So many authors claim to have the greatest poker guide, but they never let you know who they are or where they play.

  • One poker guide I know of lists the author's nickname on every site he plays you can log in and check out if he's real for yourself. It's always refreshing to see an author who's not afraid to stand by his product. That's a clear sign of a great poker guide!
  • Another poker guide I know of tells you the author's name, but when I tried to find out more about him I hit a brick wall! It seems that he doesn't exist...or if he does, he doesn't want us to know anything about him. Kinda makes you wonder if he's hiding to keep away from the bad comments I've read about his poker guide. Lol!

Second - Look at the refund rate. Okay, this one may require a little explanation.

Most people who write or author digital products use a service to handle payments. Clickbank is one of these services. What Clickbank does is simple; they handle all the payments and refunds for the author, for a percentage of course. This means that I can write a poker guide tonight, put it on Clickbank, and they'll handle it from there. This automation of the purchase/refund process allows an author to concentrate on writing instead of selling.

How does this help you? Two ways:

  • They have a rock-solid 8 week money-back guarantee, so you don't have to worry about getting scammed out of your money. Don't like your product? Ask for a refund! Clickbank is very, very adamant about good customer service, so they will do whatever it takes to make you happy.
  • They offer a system that helps you determine how often a product is refunded. Want an example? The two poker guides I talked about above have refund rates of 0.28% and 15.12% respectively. That means the first product gets refunded about once every 400 sales, while the other product gets refunded about SIXTY times every 400 sales! Notice the difference? I bet you do!
Third - Look at the site.

  • This is actually one of the least important things to consider, although everyone seems to put this under the microscope. These guys make their pages with one thing in sell you a poker guide. Take everything you read with a grain of salt and focus on the important things. Check out the author and check out the refund rate. If these two are good, then you can be 99.9% sure you have a good product!
Buying a great poker guide, or any kind of guide for that matter, isn't that just requires a little bit of knowledgeable research. Take the time to fully check out any poker guide and if you're using Clickbank, don't forget about their refund policy. If you would like more information on the products I was referring to just visit

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