Monday, March 17, 2008

Poker Fashion

Just like any other mass media driven athletics in the world, poker have its ain manner and its ain distinct look. And just like all other athletics related looks, the 'poker look' stems from the stars of the sport. You have got your T-shirts from athletics like football and hockey, Polo shirts from golf, the suburban expression of x-treme jocks and many other looks. But what exactly is the 'poker look'?

A calendar month ago I made my first trip to Vegas and of course went consecutive to the poker rooms. Staying at the Mirage Iodine naturally went to their poker room first to dunk my feet in the pool of Vegas poker. Seeing as this was my first time in Vegas and not too certain what kind of players I was up against I decided to hit a $1/$2 bounds table first. As I sat down I gave a general greet to everyone and managed to only acquire a answer from one person, some old cat with a comb over who winked at me. Except for the chilling old cat it was a pretty common cold response but I was here to play not do friends anyway.

After about one-half an hr I could already see a pattern. Iodine was beingness excluded from all conversations and more than importantly they where all being a batch more aggressive in their play towards me. After 30 proceedings of this I got a small annoyed, so I took the small spot I had won and headed to the nearby pizza pie place to acquire something to eat.

While waiting for my order I noticed one of the players from the table I was playing at placing an order. Curious as to the manner I was treated on the table I walked up the cat and talked to him. After quickly introducing myself and mentioning how I noticed him at the table I got consecutive to the point and asked, "not to be ill-mannered or anything but I noticed that the players at the table where a small hostile towards me. Is there any ground for that?"

Taking off his leather cowpuncher chapeau he looked at me and in a thick Texan speech pattern replied, "don't take it too difficult son, we make that to all the insouciant players that waltz on in."

Seeing as the cold response was pretty much instantaneous and the fact I played a sensible game for the hr I was there I had to ask, "but how did you cognize I was a insouciant player?"

Laughing the cat replied, "Look at the manner you are dressed!"
So I went back to the room to examination my garb seeing as I didn't desire this treatment the whole time. In the room I checked myself in the mirror to happen myself wearing my boots, blue jeans and t-shirt. A small insouciant but I thought I had seen other people wearing the same in the room, though they could have got been 'casual players' too.

I knew I needed to make some research so I switched on the telecasting in the room and turned to ESPN where I managed to acquire lucky with the World Series Of Poker running. Grabbing the notepad near the telephone and a pen Iodine nabbed from the presence desk I glued myself to the telecasting silver screen and took short letters for the adjacent couple of hours determined to happen the poker look.

After the WSOP finished up on ESPN I checked over my short letters and discovered that there was indeed a poker look. In fact I had observed that there were a few distinct poker looks. They drop into four categories.
Firstly there is the old school poker look, which is mainly worn by the old school players, although there are a few newer players that had adopted the look. This expression affects a cowpuncher chapeau of some design, usually a athletics jacket that doesn't necessarily have got to fit the remainder of the outfit and in many lawsuits large glasses.

Secondly there is the mid coevals eccentric expression which dwells of no existent style at all except the most field shirt possible, maybe a comb over and in many lawsuits a sweater.

Thirdly there is the 'big player' expression worn by the players who seek to affect while they play. All that is needed for this expression is a nice shirt, not quite buttoned up all the way, a gold concatenation or two and a haircut that Uncle Tom Cruise would envy.

The most popular expression though is the more than modern new coevals poker look. What's needed for this expression is any combination of sunglasses, an mp3 player, a baseball cap and some piece of clothes that have some poker phrase/logo.

So with this information in manus all Iodine needed to make now was choice a look. First one was out of the inquiry as I wasn't going to purchase a cowpuncher chapeau just for playing poker and I seek to have on jackets as small as possible. Scribbled out the 2nd 1 without even blinking. One-Third one wasn't really any good either as I have got got to get dressed up for work and I play poker to have merriment and relax.

So that left me with option four, which wouldn't be too difficult to throw together. I couldn't play at the Mirage, as they would cognize me for the fraud I was. So the adjacent twenty-four hours I left the Mirage with my mp3 player, my Oakley's and picked myself up a chapeau that said 'I am king' with a large king of Black Maria in the middle.

A friend of mine who had come up on the trip wanted to check up on out the MGM grand so we headed over there where of course I headed consecutive to the poker room. Quite impressed with the expression of the place I had arrived just in time for a tournament.

In my full poker acquire up I headed to my table where I once again made a general hello and was greeted by helloes and even a few names. I was in! Sitting down I set my chips on the table and got ready to undergo the interior poker world. Unfortunately things spiraled downwards from there.
First bad luck came shortly after the tournament started where I picked up pocket queens. I raised pre-flop and two players came in to see Q 10 3 off suite driblet which would have got been great except I was tapping away to the music that I hadn't noticed that it had come up to my bend to act. The trader seeing me tapping away at the table took me as checking. A king dropped adjacent giving one of the players his busted consecutive and eventually the pot. Not happy Iodine immediately took out the earphones and shoved my mp3 player into my backpack.

I managed to take the knocking and acquire back into the game and was doing mulct until an hr later when I establish I was continuously scratching my scalp. I suddenly remembered that I didn't have on chapeaus because they had a inclination to irritate my head. So the chapeau joined my mp3 player in the underside of my bag, though I still was looking the portion with my Oakley's.
Not long after that the concluding straw fell. I was dealt A Kelvin of spades so I raised and was seen by one player. Down flopped 2 8 Joule of spades, so I had drawn the peak flush with very small opportunity of being beaten. First to move I of course bank check and then continue to name his bet. Down drops an ace of Black Maria again I check up on and he stakes which I call. Last card driblets and it's a shred card and playing this out long adequate Iodine stake big. He then raises and this results in me going all in to see his cards, which bend out to be A J.

Now at this point I am enraptured and turn over my cards revealing the flush lone to see the trader pushing the stack towards the other player. I take of my sunglasses to see the cards better to detect that one of the spades is in fact a club. Of course the glasses travel into the back pack and with the last of my costume disappearing and the fraud being revealed I am sneered as I go forth the table.

Going back to the Mirage and my room with my tail between my legs I turn on the telecasting and electric switch to ESPN and decided to go forth the poker manner to others, adjacent time I am just going to play cards.


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