Sunday, August 24, 2008

Free Roll Texas Holdem Tournaments

Free Axial Rotation Texas Holdem Tournaments are great because they let you to play poker absolutely free and actually win real number money. Bashes this sound too good to be true? Then travel to the Trident Poker online casino to see for yourself.

At Trident Poker you'll happen day-to-day free axial rotation Texas Holdem tournaments which offering guaranteed award pools of up to $2000.

ome free axial rotation tournaments make necessitate you to have got played at least 50 raked hands before you're allowed to come in the tournament. Raked hands are games in which you've contributed to a pot that have been raked.

The online casino usually takes a very little per centum of the pot for itself; normally about 25c for a pot that is larger than $5. Raked hands are only accumulated during non tournament games.

While some free axial rotation tournaments necessitate you to have got played a certain amount of raked games most are completely free. You don't necessitate to pay anything to come in and there is no set amount of profligates needed.

Playing in free axial rotation texas holdem tournaments is so simple, even novices can come in and play.

Tournament enrollment stops a few proceedings before the start but you should always seek to register early as every tournament have a predetermined entire amount of players.

The tournament exhilaration gets from the first round. Every player is given $1000 to utilize in the tournament. And every player is ranked according to how much money they currently hold.

There are a figure of units of ammunition which last a few minutes, and players are eliminated once they've lost all their money.

After each unit of ammunition the remaining players are re-seated at fewer tables until the concluding unit of ammunition where there is only one table left.

The exhilaration turns as the field narrows, and towards the concluding phases the unsighted stakes are very high, up to $5000. So it's important to win as much money as possible in the early phases of the tournament.

You may be prima the poker tournament at the beginning but as the stake bet are raised after every unit of ammunition it is very easy for others to collect more than money and catch up with you.

If you haven't played in a Texas Holdem Poker Tournament before I propose you at least come in a Free Axial Rotation Texas Holdem Tournament. You stand up a opportunity of wining more than than a thousand dollars and it totally free to play. The sheer exhilaration of the tournament is ground enough to enter.

As an added advantage, the regard gained by becoming one of the top ranked players in the tournament will assist you make a larger feeling at non tournament games.

To play poker online, download to the Trident Poker practical casino software system now, logon to the game and acquire ready to be hit be the exhilaration and bang of online poker games.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Texas Holdem Poker Tournament Strategy - Online Poker Tells

Are You Using These? Are They Being Used Against You?

Let's have got a near expression at online poker tells in online games like Texas Holdem. These online tells differ quite a spot from traditional ones, as we'll soon see. If you don't cognize about these peculiar poker secrets and you play online poker, then you're at a important disadvantage vs. your competition. Chances are, experienced online players have got been using these against you for quite some time without you ever even knowing it...

What is a "tell"? A traditional poker state is any habit, behavior, or physical reaction that gives other players more information about your hand. In offline poker, a shaking, nervous manus is often an indicant of a player with a strong hand. Another common poker state would be looking down at my chips when I first see my pocket cards or the floating-point operation - a mark that I'm thinking about betting and have got got a good hand, so I'm seeing how many chips I have to work with.

Several of the poker tells listed here are utile for both online and offline poker. However, since we miss the ability to read oppositions physical looks and reactions when playing online, the figure and type online poker tells actually available to us are much more than than limited, and so the 1s we make have got available go that much more of import to be aware of and recognize.

Caro's Book of Poker Tells is the classic treatise on the subject. Most of the poker tells that work in offline games trust upon physical observations of how a player responds or behaves, so these sorts of tells don't assist online since we can't detect the player physically. So when playing online, there are other revealing signalings that we can watch for that give us an edge.

According to a recent survey, the top three online poker tells are:

* Adeptness to respond, reported by 76% of respondents - a very fast bank bank check can bespeak a weak hand, speedy stakes on the bend or river can often bespeak a strong hand.

* Awkwardness to respond, reported by 73% of respondents - a intermission followed by a check can often bespeak weakness, while a hold followed by a rise often bespeaks strength.

* Automatic Rifle play, reported by 68% of respondents - a lazy attack to the car buttons allows a player faux pas into a set form of play. Any interruptions in this form are clear tells.

So, what can we actually utilize as online tells?

Using Check Boxes to Addition Information

Online poker suite offering the usage of bank check boxes for actions such as as "Fold", "Check/Fold", "Raise", or "Raise Any", etc. While convenient for those of us who miss the forbearance to concentrate on the game for drawn-out time periods of time, the usage of checkboxes can be very detrimental to your overall winnings. You can find when a player have used a bank check box, because their action come ups immediately after the player before them acts. You can utilize this cognition to your advantage if a player consistently utilizes checkboxes.

When a player have got pre-selected "Check" or "Check/Fold", it should be obvious that he doesn't have a strong manus that he cares much about, and is likely on a draw or just waiting to fold, so you can find the player likely have no manus or a weak hand. If their manus is immediately folded after the anterior player acts, you cognize they are using checkboxes and can get watching this more than closely. When they don't utilize a checkbox, then they're taking more than time to see how to play a better hand...

Similarly, a player who utilizes the "Call Any" bank check box is likely to be on a draw and not yet made a good adequate manus to wager or raise with, but is definitely not ready to fold up at this point.

Poker tells are not 100% accurate, yet they often supply us with adequate further information to assist us corroborate what we may already suspect. Over time you can acquire a sense for how these players utilize checkboxes and get to pull decisions about your oppositions manus strength and manner of operation as a result.

If you observe that individual is on a draw, for example, you can often wager or raise the pot a spot and pushing them right out, since it'd be too expensive to go on with their draw without free cards or calling lower limit bets.

The fact that a player experiences so strongly about a manus (good or bad) to do a determination before even seeing the how other players will wager or enactment is a poker state about this person's inexperience with online play and often about their manus strength.

If you utilize checkboxes, be highly self-aware of how they'll be perceived by the other players and usage them to your advantage. If you have got a good manus that you're wanting to slow-play, use a check-box to quickly "Check" or "Call" with, feigning weakness. If you have got a weaker hand, are on a draw, avoid using the checkbox altogether and enactment like you're really thinking about how to play that hand.

If you're bluffing, do a rise quickly and confidently (using a checkbox, if applicable), to signalize assurance in your hand. Of course, it's always best to blend things up a spot so players can't foretell your actions. The thought is to maintain oppositions guessing or throw them off in the incorrect way so you can gain from their error - that's how winners operate, through carefully orchestrated misrepresentation and mixing things up constantly.

Speed of Play

Online poker suite limt the amount of time each player have to take action. Often, the velocity at which a player reacts can be a good poker tell. Generally, a speedy stake is a mark of weakness. A delayed stake or action can be a mark of strength since the player is disbursement time calculating how best to play what is perceived to be a good or strong hand, how much to bet, etc.

Keep an oculus on how much time it takes players to do their determination and take action and retrieve it at the end of a hand. Then, when you acquire a opportunity to see their cards in a showdown, verify what sorts of hands they move on slowly and what sorts of hands they move quickly upon. Speed of play is the most common and easiest online poker state to spot.

The blink of an eye phone name after you bet: Most players who call your wager immediately have got a weak career hand. These players desire you to believe they have got a stronger manus and hope that you will not wager into them again.

The delayed check: Most players who take longer than normal before checking to you make not desire you to bet. They are attempting to display strength because they desire to see the adjacent card for free.

The delayed bet: When an opposition believes for a long time and then bets, they will usually be holding a strong hand.

The blink of an eye bet/raise on the river: The player who utilizes this move will usually be holding a very strong hand, often times it'll be trips. By raising or betting so quickly, they are trying to do you believe they are bluffing. This move can also be used on the bend and generally, though not as frequently, denotes strength.

The stake into on the turn: When a player have checked and called on the floating-point operation and then stakes into you on the turn, it can bespeak failing or that they've made their hand. This type of stake often intends that they picked up their draw or that they are semi-bluffing with a draw they picked up on the flop. Strongly see raising if you have got a nice hand.

What about your online play style? Bash you exhibit these sorts of online poker state play behaviours and patterns? If so, be aware of it and deliberately premix things up so that you're decision-making processes aren't so easy to descry and lock onto, or simply take a similar amount of time for each action you make, preventing people from drawing any sort of decisions at all based upon timing.

Opponents Starting Hand Fold-to-Flop Ratio

Keep an oculus on whether or not a player creases a batch of refuse starting hands (a 'tight' player) or is playing at just about every pot that come ups along - a 'loose' player. This information can be used to assist find the strength of a players overall game. If the players creases most of the time, mind since this player is pretty tight or solid and only plays good hands.

If the opposition plays most every hand, then you can probably take advantage of this and win if you play good cards consistently against such as a player. These sorts of loose players like to gamble, and sometimes they'll acquire lucky and pick up some cards. It's outdo to just stay patient and wait for your opportunity. You're break off just playing the likelihood and good hands in order to take advantage of this player's aggressive, loose style when you land a good, solid hand.


Just like in offline games, the "chattiness" of a player can be used as a tell. Generally, a player who is highly gabby that suddenly travels quiet is now busy thinking about playing some good cards, figuring out how best to play the hand.

Alternatively, a player who suddently goes counter may be bluffing and hoping this presentation of exhuberance will add to the strength of his bluff and cause you to fold. When you acknowledge a tell, generally make the opposite of what you believe the player is trying to make you to do.


It's important for you to stay aware of your play style and table mental image at all times. It's outdo to maintain everyone off balance by mixing things up. Become suddenly aggressive and play looser (and hazard the lower limit amount you can, usually early in the game before blinds travel up if it's a tournament), then go tight again. Keep everyone guessing.

Being aware of how you utilize check-boxes, the timing of your decision-making and action-taking, and controlling your play style deliberately instead of going into "auto-pilot" repeatitive manner will assist you avoid providing others with the advantages of the tells discussed here.

I trust these penetrations into online poker tells have got been helpful. Keep them in head as you play in your adjacent online game or tournament.

Until adjacent time - - - Good luck!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Texas Holdem Tournament Strategy - Poker Tournament Fundamentals

This is the second in the Texas Holdem Strategy Series, focusing on no limit Texas Hold’em poker tournament play and associated strategies. In the first installment, we examined a real-world tournament scenario and how to handle a particular class of difficult players – the "maniacs", aggressive, wild players that are commonly encountered in today’s poker tournament venues.

In this article, we’ll examine the techniques that were used more closely to best these players, along with stitching a Texas Hold’em tournament poker strategy together with some good poker tournament fundamentals.

Let’s begin with some foundational elements of any winning tournament poker strategy – clearly understanding our priorities. In poker tournaments, each player's primary objectives are:

1. Survival – first and foremost, surviving to play at the final table, and ideally to be the last surviving player (the winner!) is of paramount importance.

2. Building and Protecting that Chip Arsenal - to survive increasingly large blinds and tougher competition at the latter and final tables, a player must build up and sustain a "chip arsenal" - a substantially large stack of chips - early enough in the competition to be capable of surviving and taking various necessary, calculated risks from time to time.

This must be accomplished without risking the entire tournament and building that chip arsenal in the process. Failure to build an early chip lead is a sure ticket to being eroded away once the blinds and antes increase, chewing away at your stack until you’re cornered or dead.

3. Sustained Focus – concentrating on your game plan, attacking when the right cards and situations present themselves and converting those opportunities into “profits”, while avoiding killer momentary lapses of reason (i.e., making occasional mistakes by not paying close enough attention). Focusing like this over an extended period of time is much more difficult than it seems, requiring a constant vigil, self-awareness and self-discipline.

4. Adaptability – as the tournament progresses, it’s critical to recognize when the game dynamics change and quickly adapt to new conditions such as:

• Number of players at the table

• Style of the players

• Size of your chip stack vs. opponents’

• Odds the pot is giving you, especially as blinds and antes increase

• New players arriving that are initially unknown quantities

• New table you’ve been moved to and avoiding mistakes.

Since Texas Holdem tournament events are specifically designed to progressively eliminate players, your foremost objective must be to survive and protect your stack of chips. Taking unnecessary risks is a formula for disaster and an early trip home…someone can always get lucky against you.

Demonstrating the patience to hold back and attack at the most opportune moments, when the odds favor your success, and with a proper battle plan in mind is critical. While others are visiting and socializing, daydreaming, watching the waitresses, and otherwise taking their eyes off the ball, when you’re at a tournament table, it’s time for your focused attention on the game at hand. This kind of extended attention span becomes increasingly difficult to maintain, so rest up before playing in a tournament – do not play when tired if you can avoid it.

I also recommend against alcohol while playing, as it leads to impaired judgment and fatigue.

Here are some basic guidelines to use when playing in poker tournaments or at any table where there are many players that you don't know well:

1. Prepare and Refine your Battle Plan – when you enter a tournament, you're going to be fighting a "battle" for survival - against the blinds, the antes, fatigue, as well as against the other players. Would any good military commander go into battle without having first surveyed the battle field, understood the enemy and its tactics, and without having a well-conceived battle plan which takes these facts into account and ensures success? Of course not! If they did, they probably wouldn't live to tell about it.

You shouldn't go into a poker tournament without having completed some pre-planning for the battle ahead either. Think about your plan and several things you’ll do in each typical situation ahead of time. Refine this once you’re at the table as your battlefield unfolds before you.

2. Start out slowly. Be patient. Use the early tournament period, while the blinds are still low, to study everyone at your table, identifying the most likely prey, understanding their habits and play styles. Use this time to mentally prepare and refine your "battle plan" for transferring their chips into your stack. It’s best to formulate several strategies during your pre-tournament planning, and then refine each one as you see how the game is actually shaping up, the types of players at your table and how you’ll approach each situation.

3. Set the Stage – play a few “ugly” hands early, limping in occasionally and feeling your way around the table with the other players while the blinds are still low, playing a few hands you wouldn’t normally even consider. This prevents you from starting out with a table image as a solid or tight player; otherwise, you may not get the action you’ll need when you do get those pocket rockets (AA) and great opportunities later.

4. Know Your Own Table Image - Everyone develops a "table image". Be aware of your own table image, and be careful to mix your game up along the way so that you can't easily be "typed". Once others can predict your behavior and your likely reaction to a given situation, they'll definitely use it against you. For example, if you play mostly premium hands and fold at the first sign of trouble, other players will quickly type you as “weak” and will steal you blind, taking advantage of that knowledge by representing hands they don’t actually have so you’ll fold. If you project that image, know it, so you can trap them with a good hand – make the most of it, since that will definitely destroy your weak table image…

In the first article, I let several aggressive players push me around a little early on, then limped in and dropped out on a few draws, so they all thought I was a tight, weak player and a good target for their aggressive style of play. Letting them push me around some, while not losing much to them, conditioned these aggressive players to push me even harder when they absolutely shouldn't have – a huge error on their part that I converted into a chip leadership position.

5. Be Careful, Protect Your Stack – You must protect your stack and survive until you get some good hands you can use, so be careful to expend that chip depot deliberately and judiciously – always with purpose. When a player raises you significantly, you must think: 1) how much of my stack can I afford to invest in this one hand, 2) can I win this hand if I play it fully, and 3) what kind of play will yield me the most chips and give me the best overall odds to win against this particular player.

6. Get a Real Hand and Extract Its Value - don't go up against maniacs and aggressive raisers without a real hand - and definitely, do not challenge them while you’re chasing a draw! Their strength is their bravado and wild, aggressive betting style - it's also their biggest weakness. When you do get a real hand that you believe is a winner, you must get the most value for it by extracting as many chips as possible from the other players:

• Hit aggressive players head-on, triggering their aggressive response systems, and be willing to stick it out with them, re-raising them all-in if necessary since you know you’re likely in top position, or

• Trap them with a check-raise play. You can often just let aggressive bettors take the initial lead, betting into you and thereby become pot-committed, leading them to putting many or all of their chips at risk. That’s another reason you'd better have a real hand whenever you challenge the aggressive players – they typically just will not fold or back down, and

• Bet enough to extract a significant chip “profit” from the opponents, without forcing them to fold, if you’re sure you have the winning hand.

7. Pay Attention and Focus Outwardly - watch everyone and everything that's going on at your table. Don't daydream, and for Pete’s sake – do not focus on your own hand! As a general rule of thumb, spend 3 times as much energy and time trying to determine what other players are holding (especially when you’re not in a hand), gauging their play and betting styles, and refining your battle plan - than you do thinking about your own hands and play. You won’t be playing that many hands if you’re a good poker player, so use this available time wisely.

8. Play the Pot Odds - most people think too much about their own hand and what they might draw next. That's because calculating and playing the pot odds isn't yet second nature to them. If that's you, then you definitely need to get the poker odds ingrained into your subconscious mind, so they’re second nature and you don't even need to think about them while you’re playing. Find yourself a good Texas Holdem poker odds calculator, practice with it, and you’ll learn the odds of drawing each type of hand and find that you don’t need to think about them.

9. Bluff for the Pot from Good Positions - as the blinds and antes increase, the size of each hand’s pot becomes substantial. Bluffing for these pots from proper positions (e.g., acting late with a big bet, acting first with a semi-bluff hand and bigger bet) is a good way to hold your own while everyone else struggles against the blinds.

10. Play the Player – the key to winning in poker is to get other players to make the wrong play, which you then profit from. To do this, knowing your opponents, understanding what kinds of hands they play, whether they’ll fold when bluffed, and knowing when it’s time to lay down your hand to simply survive and play another is crucial.

The alternative is to do what many players do - just leave most everything to chance and play the game in a random, unpredictable fashion with whatever hands you’re dealt; a.k.a. “gambling”.

They say "those who fail to plan, plan to fail", and that “hope is not a strategy” – a couple of my favorite sayings that come to mind…have a plan, and execute it.

You must be prepared to mix up your play enough that players aren't sure what to expect from you. It's helpful to "shift gears" from one mode of operation to another from time to time. It's also recommended to play the opposite from everyone at the table; e.g., if most everyone is playing tight overall, then loosen up your play and take advantage of them by overplaying some hands, going on some draws, and a few semi-bluffs. If the table becomes loose, tighten up and attack with a good hand or trap them.

Remember, aggressive players' egos usually can't handle being overtly raised or publicly challenged. They expect to be the preeminent raisers and dominate the game, so they'll often re-raise or go all-in in order to leverage their aggressive position against you. Be ready! You can just about count on it. When they push you at the wrong time, sock it to ‘em! You can use these types of players to build up your chip arsenal and possibly earn yourself a seat at the final table.

There aren’t any absolutes in no-limit Texas Holdem tournament strategy, which is one of the things that make it so entertaining and challenging. These are just a few good tips and techniques that will help you get started and do reasonably well against some good players and some aggressive ones.

Finally, it's been said "if you can't spot the sucker at your table, it's probably you!" I love this saying, because it's so true. If you do your pre-planning and have confidence in your game plan, along with an ability to observe the opponents and apply the proper techniques against different kinds of players, you’ll go far in Texas Holdem poker tournaments.

So, there's your first set of Texas Holdem poker tournament strategies. I sure wish someone had condensed things down like this for me when I first started playing. It would’ve saved me years of learning it the hard way. Enjoy.

Good luck!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Texas Holdem Tournament Strategy - Poker Tournament Betting Basics

Welcome to the 3rd in my Texas Holdem Strategy Series, focusing on no bounds Texas Holdem poker tournament play and associated strategies. In this article, we’ll construct upon the poker tournament strategy rudiments from last time, with some of import poker betting strategy basics.

Winning at Texas Holdem poker doesn't have got to be a gamble, since it's actually a game of skill. Of course, there will always be an component of chance, but there's a batch more strategy and accomplishment to poker than rans into the untrained eye. When you larn to play the likelihood properly, it can do a immense difference in your winnings.

No bounds Texas Holdem is the game of pick these years - and for good reason. The fact that anyone can make up one's mind to force a big rise or all of their chips into the pot by going "all-in" at any moment, adds an exciting dimension to the game. Unlike bounds Texas Holdem, where each unit of ammunition of betting takes place in prescribed, fixed increments, no bounds Texas Holdem is as varied as the players at the table, since everyone takes their ain betting style and approach.

When playing no bounds Texas Holdem, you're faced with some of import decisions. Arguably, the most of import determination you’ll do is how much to wager in a given put of circumstances; e.g., manus strength, your place at the table, entire figure of players, their styles, etc. There are many different betting strategies, but one of the first things to larn and pay close attending to are "pot odds" and whether you have got got a positive “expectation” to win.

You have a positive outlook whenever the likelihood prefer you winning more than than you’re wagering at anything greater than 1 to 1 odds. For example, when flipping a coin, there is a 50/50 opportunity of it coming up either caputs or tails. If you toss a coin enough times, both caputs and dress suit will come up up an equal figure of times.

Casino games, such as as craps, blackjack, slot machines, etc. all give the player a “negative” outlook and the casino a positive expectation. If you play these types of “gambling” games long enough, you will ultimately lose, since the game’s odd construction is never in your favour – negative expectation. People who experience “hot streaks” also have got losing runs (they just usually quickly bury about the losing and don’t discourse it). When you’re making a wager, you’d always prefer to have got a positive expectation. This is generally true in poker, but not necessarily always in no-limit poker. I’ll explicate why.

Pot Likelihood are the likelihood the pot is giving you for making a bet. Let's say there is $50 in the pot and it'll take $10 more than to name - you're getting 5-to-1 pot likelihood to call, since if you win you’ll be paid $50 in exchange for risking only $10. For intents of this decision, any amounts you previously placed into this pot are irrelevant, since they’re already expended and gone (if you fold).

It's essential to understand pot likelihood as it associates to your manus odds, as one key factor in making your betting decisions. If the likelihood of you holding or drawing to the winning manus are better than the likelihood the pot is giving you, you should name or even sometimes raise; otherwise, you should typically fold up (unless you're going to bluff, a different story).

Continuing this example, let's state you’re holding a brace of fives, and the board floating-point operations 9, K, 2 “rainbow” (no flush draw, different suits). With 9 players at the table, it's certainly possible and likely that person else holds a King or a Nine, or both, making your 5's expression pretty fragile at this point. Your best shot to win is to pull another 5. There are two more than 5's remaining out of the 47 cards that you can't see (in the deck or in another player's hand).

So, the likelihood of pulling that adjacent 5 on the bend or river are: 2 in 47 (2/47 = about 4%) on the Turn, plus another 2 in 46 on the River (an further 4%), for a sum of roughly 8.6%, which compares to a 1-in-11.6 opportunity of pulling that 3rd 5 to do a set. Since the pot is only giving 5-to-1 odds, it's generally time to fold. Otherwise, you'd just be "gambling" with a highly negative outlook of losing that further $10. In no bounds Texas Holdem, players will often raise the pot sufficiently to actually less your pot likelihood so far that you can't possibly warrant staying in the manus – at least not statistically.

Clearly you can't sit down there in a existent poker room with a calculating machine and run through all of these pot likelihood computations while at the table! So, how makes one larn poker likelihood well adequate to use them in real-time? Well, it starts by seeing the poker likelihood repeatedly, in a linguistic context that's suitable for you to larn and eventually reserve them. A poker likelihood calculating machine is a piece of add-on software that runs on your PC, monitoring your existent online play. A poker likelihood calculating machine calculates the prospective hands you and your oppositions are capable of drawing at any point in time. It then displays all possible hands you and the oppositions could draw, instruction you what the likelihood of making that sort of manus would be.

This make it easy to see what's going on, and since a poker likelihood calculating machine displays the poker likelihood right there in presence of you while you play, you’ll get to larn them, making it semi-automatic, truthful you don't even believe about poker likelihood any more than - you just cognize them. So, the first measure is learning and internalizing these “hand odds”. Then, you can quickly cipher pot likelihood anytime you’d like.

Calculating pot likelihood necessitates you to pay close attending to the game, a cardinal trait of good poker tournament players. Unlike playing online, where the sum size of the pot is easy to find (the online Texas Holdem poker programme typically displays the pot amount right there on the silver screen for you), when you play in traditional offline poker tournaments, you must maintain path of the pot size and chip count yourself, so you can gauge the pot likelihood and your best betting options.

Pot likelihood go especially interesting as the blinds and antes addition as the tournament progresses. Let’s state there are 10 players at your table, and the poker tournament construction have you at $25 antes with $200/$400 blinds. That’s A sum of $850 that’s sitting thre in each and every pot before anyone even places their first bet! So, before you even look at your hand, you cognize that the lower limit stake is $400, so you’ll need a good manus (with roughly 1 in 2 likelihood or better) in order to simply interrupt even.

At this point, people will be angling to “steal the blinds” by placing a brawny bet, typically at least two times the large blind, or $800, in order to do the pot likelihood so unattractive that everyone just folds. Therefore, the first player to move often do off with the booty, since the pot likelihood go even less attractive and most everyone hasn’t made a good adequate manus to call. Of course, this tin definitely backfire...

Let’s state the first player to wager rises to $800 in an effort to steal the blinds, making the sum pot now $1,650. Let’s state that a 2nd player then names with another $800, boosting this pot to $2,450. To acquire in on the action, you’d only necessitate to name with $800, which intends if you win the manus you’re getting a slightly better than 3 to 1 on your money. If it’s the Floating-Point Operation and you are one card short of making a King-high flush, then your manus likelihood are roughly 1-in-3. This would be “even money” if you joined in on this footing alone; however, you’re holding A King and there’s a King on the board from the Flop, so you now have got a better than 1 in 3 opportunity of winning – a positive expectation! You place your $800 bet, so now the pot sit downs at $3,250.

You should generally do this bet, since it will give a good tax return and you have got the high brace (Kings), plus a flush draw, thereby improving your likelihood even further. Let’s state there was an Ace also showing, making your Kings 2nd best pair. In this case, it time to fold up because you have got a less than a 1 in 3 opportunity of winning this hand, and if you continued throwing money at this pot, you’ll end up “pot-committed” and beaten by a brace of Aces (there’s usually at least one player in 10 wall hanging in there with an Ace hole card).

So, let’s state the last player to move travels “All-in” - after we’ve set our $800 in this pot. Now what? The first reaction should be – what sort of manus *could* this player actually hold? If the player is a relatively tight or solid player, opportunities are they’ve made a set or an Ace high flush. It’s always possible they’re bluffing, but very improbable if they’re A good player, since there are already far too many people in this pot and it’s likely they’d acquire called with a existent manus when bluffing.

So, what's happened to our pot odds? Let’s state they went all-in with $5,000, pushing this pot up to $8,250. If you called with $5,000, you’re now only getting a 8.25 to 5 return, or roughly 1.65 to 1 – especially unattractive under the fortune with highly negative outlook and so many players in this hand, additional reducing your opportunities of winning. Therefore, everyone will likely just fold; unless they have got a very strong manus plus a great draw (some outs).

There’s clearly a batch more to poker betting strategy, including place and acting first vs. last. Generally speaking, though, if you’re going to take A shot at that pot, and you’re inch a place to move first, there’s a good opportunity everyone else will fold; however, you’d better believe carefully about the pot likelihood the oppositions will be getting after your stake is in there.

If your stake modifies the pot size such as that it improves their pot likelihood (by limping in with just a little bet), you’re actually encouraging the oppositions to hang in there with you, since they still have got a good, positive (and improving) outlook level. If you wager enough, such as as two to three times the size of the large blind, you’ll be reducing their pot likelihood enough to swing into a negative expectation, so they’ll be much more than likely to fold. It’s really of import to believe your stake amounts through and understand the pot likelihood deductions of your betting.

When you do such as a play at the pot, it’s ideal to have got some sort of hand, along with a good draw. If you happen yourself short-stacked, then this may be as good as it gets. Bluffing will be covered more than thoroughly in a future article, but at this point it’d be great to have got got at least a little pair, as well as a good consecutive or flush draw (since you’ll also have the possible to do a set of trips, too). In this situation, you have got so many good “outs” that your little brace gets to look a batch stronger, and your manus likelihood acceptable adequate to travel on a “semi-bluff” astatine this pot.

So, these are the rudiments of Texas Holdem poker tournament betting strategy that you should cognize and pattern (the other good players do). Knowing your basic manus likelihood and being capable of quickly calculating pot likelihood are indispensable to making intelligent betting determinations under fire in poker tournaments, and regular ring game and bounds play for that matter. A good poker likelihood calculating machine will assist you larn the manus odds, and along with practicing calculating your pot odds, you’ll be making better determinations and getting the best of it the adjacent time you play Texas Holdem poker.

In the adjacent article, we’ll research a popular Texas Holdem poker tournament formatting – the Sit & Go poker tournament. Until then, have got fun. And as always - good luck!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Texas Holdem Tournament Strategy - Winning vs. Aggressive Players

The Texas Hold’em poker phenomenon have taken the state by storm. There are reportedly over 100 million active poker players worldwide. Poker’s popularity is largely the by-product of engineering and respective recent trends: 1) online gaming, where players prosecute and socialise in real-time complete the Internet, and 2) the wide promotion created by high profile television shows like the World Series of Poker and World Poker Tour.

With all the poker-mania, there’s Associate in Nursing astonishing deficit of quality information to assist people larn how to play properly and go great players quickly. This is the first in a series of Texas Holdem strategy articles aimed at helping players larn how to win at Texas Hold’em poker. Tournament play is a popular, merriment sport. These articles will assist players understand how to near tournaments, which differ greatly from regular “ring game” play.

This installment trades with the most-asked question: “How make I cover effectively with aggressive players?” Many players battle against "maniacs", the aggressive, wild players who play most every hand, somehow look to draw cards out of thin air, and often pull off to predominate the table.

Here's what actually happened in a recent poker tournament. I entered a tournament at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida, about 20 proceedings from my place in South Florida. This weekly $300 entry-fee tournament fill ups the poker room with 220 players every Monday night.

The blinds start at 50/100 and travel up every 15 minutes. I spent the first 30 proceedings just hanging out and occasionally limping in to see a flop. The ground for "treading water" was to analyze my oppositions and their playing forms very closely. There were a figure of solid poker players, but right away I spotted the aggressive ones.

I was sitting in the middle, directly across from the dealer. There were two "wild men" to my right. These two participated in most every hand, and agonized with themselves whenever they had to throw a manus away. This was screaming to me, and it was also very telling. I knew these dandies were doomed from the onset, yet they were extremely unsafe if they caught something with one of their rubbish hands. These types are great targets, but only when you cognize how to play them correctly. If you do, you’ll end up with most or all of their chips in your stack. The cardinal is to acquire to their chips before person else does.

There were some squeaky-tight and solid players, as usual. Finally, there were two other players to my left who knew one another very well and spoke what sounded like Russian. These two played very aggressively. They rarely called or checked. They would wager or raise the pot significantly, so if they played a hand, you knew they were going to wager it large and you’d better be prepared to force a clump of your chips into the middle. As a result, the table became tight overall, except for these four players who controlled the early action and dictated the table pacing for the first hr or so. They gambled with wanton abandon, trading chips with each other as the remainder of us just observed and wished for a existent manus to materialize.

It became evident that our lunatics were playing mostly refuse hands, and using assertive yak in an effort to intimidate everyone. They were enjoying pushing everyone around with their aggressive betting and raising style. Humorously, they got into a figure of showdowns, causing all of their rubbish hands to go openly exposed; e.g., 69 off-suit, Q3 suited, etc. Iodine definitely had these cats pegged now – if lone Iodine could acquire a strong hand…

Later, one of my Russian "friends" came in over the top of a stake I’d placed with a immense raise, then smiled at me as he leaned his caput back as if to state “Go ahead. I make bold you”. My center brace just wasn't strong adequate to prosecute with him, but I remembered this small "lesson" and my mistake. He'd used this maneuver many times against the others and I should’ve expected it. I also realized that we had not seen any of his supposed "big hands", as he always mucked them. Whenever you see an aggressive player dominating, and then mucking all those supposed "great hands", you cognize you've spotted a target.

We played on, with the two lunatics to my right getting busted out by the Russian contingent. It’s been an hr and 15 proceedings - and I still haven’t seen even one nice manus yet! This is, unfortunately, typical poker.

After about an hour-and Forty-Five minutes, I finally pick up a brace of wired 9's (99). Now I was hoping the floating-point operation would give a set (trips). Sure enough, it came: 9, K, 5. I was elated and jumping up and down (inside). I was finally in a place to do my move, and hoped it would be against one of my aggressive Russian friends with their large stacks.

To set up my trap, I delayed and muddled around for about 10 seconds, and then casually "checked" verbally and using my manus in a chopping motion, with a slightly fed up look. Next, the little Russian moves in with a large stake of 3,000 chips. Iodine was certain I had him now. As expected, everyone else quickly folded and got out of his manner – except me. This chap had pushed everyone around and I was finally properly armed and ready to make conflict on my ain terms. Note that this had been my "battle plan" all along. I was deliberately targeting these aggressive characters, knowing that when the time was right, their ill-gotten stacks would go mine!

The action came back around to me, so now it was just the two of us heads-up. The two Russians said something to each other that the remainder of us couldn’t decipher. I delayed and bobbed my caput around as if to be struggling with my decision. Then, I motioned with both hands and uttered “I'm all-in". I knew this series of actions would likely trip an aggressive reaction, since my “check-raise” made it look as if I was trying to steal this pot! A check-raise almost always trips a full-tilt response from an aggressive player.

He immediately called me - he was so aggressive (and pot-committed) that it was like a fish taking the come-on and running for deep Waters - hook line and sinker! I threw my brace of 9's over, revealing the trip 9's. There was a low mutter around the table from the other players. My immature Russian friend reluctantly flipped his five/trash manus over - he had a brace of fives (with a King over-card showing on the board!). He was definitely angling to drive me out of this pot with his ascertive play – 1 too many times…

You see, no one actually acquires that many great hands in poker - nobody. If person plays 30% to 40% Oregon more than of the time, they're just "gambling" and bluffing. This cat believes he have got a "good" hand, because he actually had a existent brace – something he doesn’t often have when pushing everyone around with mostly aggressive betting as his lone existent weapon.

The bend came and it wasn't a five - then person bagpipe up and states "he's drawing dead". Believe me, you never desire to hear that when you're in a showdown! I looked over as he said something in Russian to his brother - another misdemeanor of tournament rules, as everyone is compelled to talk English at the tournament table. It wouldn’t matter, as he stood up, grabbed his jacket and left after receiving some solace from his friend.

His aged friend glared over at me and uttered something derogative in Russian. I had no hint what he said, but I knew from his tone of voice that I didn't like it. I also knew I'd gotten under his tegument by taking down his brother and raking in all of his chips. Iodine responded with "what's that, I don't understand what you're saying since you're not speaking English?” loudly so everyone at the table could hear me.

He mumbled something about his friend...I smiled and said politely with a smiling "I deliberately laid that trap for your friend and he drop right into it!", pushing the knife in deeper, knowing he'd be gunning for me anyway - might as well do certain my adjacent trap was fully set. This also signaled to everyone else at the table that whenever I checked or limped, it could be extremely unsafe if assumptive to be a mark of failing - something I’d purchase later as the blinds and antes rose and the proper time to bluff and steal blinds actually arrived.

After a flimsy pause, my Russian friend noticed that everyone was now looking at him. He looked down at his chips and said "nice play" with a reluctantly polite tone.

Boy, I was elated! My conflict program was definitely becoming field-proven here - and my adjacent mark was clearly sighted. It had taken careful observation, planning and a batch of forbearance to wait for the right hand, and then play it correctly to take this highly-skilled, aggressive player out and profligate in all of his chips.

About 10 proceedings later, it was tournament interruption time, after two hours of play. I counted my chips, which totaled 14,900 (we started with 5,000 each), then grabbed a speedy bite to eat, reflecting on what had just taken place.

Within 10 proceedings of returning from break, I finally picked up a serious starting hand: Cowboys (KK). I knew it was time for my new Russian friend and me to tango, so I fired out a stake of 3 times the large blind: 3,000 chips, come-on that I was certain he couldn’t bend down. Sure enough, he bit - large time. His all-in rise came almost instantaneously, before I could even acquire my stake onto the table. He was totally ready to engage, and had been laying in delay for me - just like I had planned. I had put him up by taking out his friend and then ambitious his poker egotism in presence of everyone. He just had to retaliate against me – it was a totally predictable “full-tilt” response from this sort of player.

This is what the game of poker is really all about – having a well-defined strategy, the forbearance to wait for the right hand, and then executing properly. It’s what do poker a game of strategy instead of a game of opportunity (for some of us).

He raised by going all-in with around 8,000 chips to my roughly 14,000. I quickly called his all-in bet. Everyone else quickly folded and got out of our way.

I flipped my pocket kings over, then looked him straight in the oculus and just smiled. Then person states "Yeah! Now we've got some action!" He sighed and flipped over QQ - he actually had a existent manus for a change. That's one of the jobs with these sorts of "semi-solid, aggressive" players, like my Russian friend here, and other poker greats like Gus Hansen. You never really cognize exactly what to anticipate from them. Of course, my opposition could've held pocket rockets (AA), but I'll play those KK cowpunchers strong each and every time I acquire them, since there’s only one manus that tin beat them heads-up. I also knew this aggressive player on tilt was likely to be overplaying his hand, improving my likelihood significantly.

The flop, bend and river came and went without another Queen and it was done - my cowpunchers stood up and I had all of both Russian’s stacks, which included most of the other two mediocre maniac’s chips (who lost to the Russians earlier). This instantly made me by far the chip leader at our table with well over 22,000 chips!

I went from having an norm chip stack to being the table chip leader, against tough, aggressive opponents, within less than one-half an hr by:

a) Playing solid, sensible tournament poker,

b) Not taking big, not due hazards with weak or "drawing" hands,

c) Studying my aggressive quarry and where the chips were sitting,

d) Formulating and refinement a conflict program while observing the game progress,

e) Remaining patient while waiting for the right manus to do my move, and

f) Executing this program with preciseness against a predetermined opponent, and on footing of my choosing – not the opponent’s.

There was no fortune involved at all – except that my opposition didn’t hold Alcoholics Anonymous or draw some lucky cards with a rubbish manus – which was simply playing the likelihood in my favor.

I started out with a high-level strategy to aim aggressive chip leaders, and travel after them with strong hands from the right position. I planned this before I ever arrived at the casino that day, or knew who these players would be. Then, I refined my program once I knew for certain whom the evening’s marks would be and how I’d arouse them. It certainly helped that I caught two nice hands during those first hours of play.

Unfortunately, I later lost to a legitimate full house, but made it into the top 40 – it happens…

The cardinal to playing against aggressive and lunatic players is having a feasible Texas Holdem strategy you can gain from when you acquire some good hands. If you have got a good plan, you can convert it into a formidable reserve of chips - a stack that you‘ll definitely necessitate as the blinds and antes addition and the tournament field contracts in the latter stages.

This is how I near Texas Holdem strategy for tournaments now - at least when the tables are full with 8 or more than players, some of them aggressive and maniacs. So, the adjacent time you meet wild and aggressive players at your poker table, acquire ready to have got some fun! It's wish Tae Kwon Bash - using the opponent’s ain energy and impulse against them.

In the adjacent installment, we’ll item this Texas Holdem strategy more formally, along with exploring some other tournament tips for playing better Texas Holdem poker.

Until then – good luck!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

How to Succeed in the Poker Freerolls Part 2

How to Succeed in the Poker Freerolls Part 1 looked mostly at what cards to play and when to play them, in Part 2 we take a look at other factors that you need to be aware of in order to succeed in the freerolls.

7. Watch your opponents and learn their playing style.

You can learn a lot of valuable poker information just by watching your opponents playing style and habits at the table. Do they bet almost every hand, do they sit back and wait for a good hand (like you should!), do they fold easily at the first sign of a raise, do they just want to see a free card, is there a "maniac" who raises every hand?

8. Concentrate on the game.

If you want to find out how your opponents play, you need to concentrate fully on what you're doing. Don't write emails while your playing or surf other sites, and turn off that TV!

9. Avoid hesitation.

If you hesitate before you make your move then it is seen as a sign of weakness. In the freerolls you don’t have the luxury of watching your opponent's reactions and one of the few "tells" that you have is the speed at which your opponent makes his move. The worst sin here is to hesitate for a while then check, you have just told the table you don't have a hand but you want to see the next card. You will simply be raised straight out of the hand.

10. Don't chase draws.

It can be very tempting when you see that you have a straight draw, (eg you've got a 6 7 and there's a 5 and 8 in the flop) but the reality is that this hand rarely produces a winner. If you can see the other cards free or for a cheap call then by all means take a look, but remember at this point you have absolutely nothing and your opponents have almost certainly got at least a pair.

11. Remember that your opponents will play different cards from you.

Just because you are doing everything right doesn't mean that they will too! People will play all sorts of hands, especially in a freeroll and you can expect some crazy bad beats. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of straights, if there are three cards on the table like 5 6 8 for example, there's a good chance somebody might be playing with a 7 4!

12. Treat the freerolls seriously.

Although you're not investing any money to take part in the freerolls, you are investing a chunk of your time so take them seriously. They are a good training ground for learning tournament skills and to win one is a very good achievement.

Not to mention you could win some money!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

There's More to Poker than Texas Holdem!

Texas holdem is taking over the world, but believe it or not there are many other poker games you can play. Most of them fall into one of three categories:

- Stud Games (for illustration 7 card stud)

- Pull Games (for illustration 5 card draw)

- Shared Hand Games (for illustration Texas Holdem)

There are also some other indeterminate games that don't suit into these categories, some of the more than popular of which are high/low pig, command poker and guts. In almost all types of poker game the manus rankings are the same, with a very few minor exclusions which have got go more than or less “home-made” rules.

Here are little verbal descriptions of some different poker games:

5 Card Draw Poker
Played by 3 - 7 players. Each is dealt five cards and there is a unit of ammunition of betting based on the hands. After the betting players can now set up to three cards back in exchange for new ones. (There's one exclusion where a player can interchange four cards if he demoes the 5th to be an ace). There's a additional unit of ammunition of betting and the best manus wins. Draw poker was once the criterion manner to play but it have of course been overtaken by Texas Holdem.

7 Card Stud Poker
Played by 3 - 10 players. Players are dealt two cards face down and one face up and there is a unit of ammunition of betting. Cards 4, 5 and six are then dealt face up with betting on each round. The concluding card is dealt face down and there is another unit of ammunition of betting before the showdown. 7 Card Stud Poker is still a popular game and is probably 2nd at the minute to Texas Holdem.

Caribbean Poker
This is a poker game played in a casino between the player and the dealer. Each acquires five cards and the player have to make up one's mind whether his card is deserving betting on after seeing the dealer's first card. If the player have a better manus than the trader he is paid out in a fixed likelihood system depending on the strength of his hand. The fixed likelihood scope from levels for a brace or high card to 100-1 for a royal flush.

Pai Gow Poker
Pai Gow is a fairly complicated casino game played between the trader and up to seven players. It is played with a jokester which numbers as either an ace or any card required to finish a flush or straight. There are two fluctuations in manus ranks compared to standard poker rankings, the peak manus is five Aces and the consecutive A2345 is ranked 2nd to AKQJT. The players and trader are dealt seven cards each which they divide into two hands of five and two. The five card manus must be better than the two card hand. The trader then demoes his cards and plays against each player, the dealer’s 5 card manus against the player’s 5 card manus and the dealer’s 2 card manus against the player’s 2 card hand.

If the trader wins both hands he wins.

If the player wins both hands he wins.

If each player wins 1 manus there’s A “push” which intends no money alterations hands.

If any manus is tied the trader wins it, so:

Dealer/Tie – trader wins.
Player/Tie – push.
Tie/Tie – trader wins.

Texas Holdem
By far the most popular poker game in the world today, probably because it is very simple to larn but extremely hard to master. Two cards are dealt to each player, then three face up on the table (the flop), another face up on the table (the turn), then a concluding card face up on the table known as the river. Players utilize their ain two (hole) cards and any three from the table to do the best five card hand. There is a unit of ammunition of betting before the floating-point operation then before the bend and river, and finally after the river card is dealt.

Monday, August 11, 2008

5 Tips for Finding the Best Poker Websites

There has been an enormous growth in poker websites in the last couple of years and there are now literally hundreds of them to play at. But how do you select a good poker site?

Here are 5 factors that you should consider when making your choice of where to play poker online.

1. Reputation

It is usually best to stick with a site that has a good solid reputation, especially if you are a beginner and you've never played poker online before. Most of the big names have an excellent reputation and they have to be absolutely fair in order to maintain this.

2. Signup Bonuses

We all love something for nothing and you will certainly get that when you sign up for poker online. Almost all of the sites will offer you some sort of bonus to sign up with them so you need to shop around and see who is offering the best deal. Of course there is nothing to stop you opening an account with several different sites if you want to.

3. Number of players

All of the major sites have many thousands of players online at any one time. You will never struggle to get a game, there should always be a seat available for you. However some of the smaller sites attract far fewer visitors and you may end up frustrated, waiting for the right playing opportunity to arise.

4. Software

Most poker sites require you to download a piece of software (normally referred to as a "client") before you can play. Some of these are better than others, there's a big difference in the quality of graphics and ease of play between the clients available. You need to make sure you are playing on a site that you feel comfortable and enjoy playing at.

5. Statistics

One of the important aspects of playing poker online is the availability of statistics. Each site's poker client has a "lobby" area where you can view the tables and check out what's happening, some of them also have good statistics about the table so you can decide which one to play. While you are playing there are some sites which give statistics of each hand "in-running", this can also be a very useful feature.

So there you have it, now you know how to pick the best sites so go ahead and have fun!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bonuscodes Party Poker : Get more for your deposit buck

Bonuscodes for Party Poker are a great manner to acquire a small extra. Imagine walking into your local casino to play some poker. You purchase $300 worth of chips, and the cashier gives you $360. Wouldn’t that be great? Well online casinos make this all this time. The cyberspaces biggest poker suite, offering tons of great bonuses. You can acquire $25 level on your first deposit or 20% other up to $100 on your first deposit.

Here’s the kicker though, many websites that offering codifications don’t maintain them updated. Imagine sign language up for Party and using a codification from another website only to happen out it’s expired and you didn’t acquire your bonus. Don’t allow that happen. We verify all of our codifications to guarantee that they are valid and working. Here are our codes:

The first 1 is “ONTHEFLOP” this 1 will give you an further 20% on your deposit. The 2nd 1 is “ONTHETURN” and will give you and other $25 on your deposit. They are all 1 word and are entered without quotes.

After downloading the software, you have got to register for a new account, when you make so you will detect a box that states come in bonus code. You simply input signal your codification here and when you do up one's mind to make a deposit your bonus will be added automatically.

Online poker is exploding these years thanks to heavy mass media and telecasting coverage. Thanks to this new boom, you can do some serious money off all the bad players out there. PartyPoker is known for being such as a large site and having tons of fish. There are over 70 thousand players online at any given time, that’s A heck of a batch of players. There are jump to be some really loose tables. For example, the other nighttime I was playing on their bad beat jackpot tables at the 2/4 limit. For a few hands EVERY single player saw the flop. That is unheard of offline, and even a existent loose table online would be 60-70% of the players seeing the flop. My point is there are tons of soft games available on party and tons of easy money to be won.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Texas Holdem Poker - Today

The Texas Holdem poker phenomenon has taken the country by storm. There are reportedly over 100 million active poker players worldwide. Poker’s popularity is largely the byproduct of technology and several recent trends: 1) online gaming, where players engage and socialize in real-time over the Internet, and 2) the broad publicity created by high profile TV shows like the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and World Poker Tour (WPT).

With all the poker-mania, there’s a modern day "gold rush" underway today. Analyst estimates are a bit sketchy, but some estimate that people will spend up to $4.5 billion U.S. in 2005 on poker-related items of every kind, including:

* Online poker room play

* Poker tournaments

* Online poker room financial brokers (e.g., Firepay, NetTeller, Citadel and others)

* Casino poker rooms

* Game units for your TV

* Poker chip sets and dealer buttons (you can even get "collector" edition dealer buttons signed by the pros - got some as Christmas presents this year!)

* Poker tables and instructions for how to build poker tables

* Poker software (poker odds calculators, poker games, home tournament organizers, tournament director kits)

* Texas holdem poker rule and starting hand cards

* Poker schools and training courses

* Poker books and strategy e-books

* Poker hats, shirts and clothing items

* Local poker clubs

* Free Texas Holdem poker stuff of every kind imaginable.

To give you an idea of how many people are now playing with real-money online, have a look at PokerPulse keeps tabs on the top online poker rooms and tracks how many real-money poker games are running at any point in time. Some estimates based upon these statistics suggest that online poker room companies are turning over in excess of $110 million U.S. every 24 hours, with hundreds of thousands of online players active any given evening.

So, with the worldwide inertia that poker has today, how far can it go? Will it be like the CB Radio - a brief flash in the pan and then suddenly - poof! Will it be just another fad and memory, with occasional reminders like Smokey and the Bandit? Hard to say for sure, but with the momentum, advertising and so many young people, including many teenagers and children playing across the Internet, it could be that the poker big bang has occured and its expansion has only really begun...

As with many new, controversial phenomenon such as poker, there's the social morality aspect and question: Is playing poker gambling? Is it really just a game of skill? The question of whether online poker rooms are just as much about gambling as traditional casino games and online bookie operations is certainly one that is shaping some industries, and creating some others. Before we look for the answers to those questions, let's explore what the actions of certain parties might lead us to believe.

For example, the traditional credit card processors (MC, VISA, AMEX, PayPal, and others) decided to discontinue use of their credit card services to fund player's online poker accounts. Today, there's a whole cottage industry that has sprung up to fill the enormous demand for transferring funds between bank accounts and online poker room accounts, processing untold millions of dollars each day.

Try advertising a poker-related item through Google's AdWords or the Yahoo/MSN equivalent (Overture) and you'll quickly find they have a category known as "Gambling URL" that'll come into play. Any website that could be related to online poker rooms is considered a "gambling" site and advertising services are thereby refused. So, what happened as a result? Well, aside from these companies losing advertising revenues, it's forced the poker industry into fierce competition for the poker-related search "namespaces". Try searching for something using keywords like "Texas Holdem poker" and see what you find.

It's amazing at how clogged up the search engine namespace has become, with every search engine optimization (SEO) technique and trick known to man being used by poker website owners in an attempt to gain visibility, page ranking and routing of more visitor traffic to their websites.

In my opinion, the answer to the question "Is playing poker gambling?" is - it depends. It depends on the player's skill level. If you're a highly-skilled player, then IMHO it's not gambling - it's playing a sophisticated game like chess, where you not only must defeat the opponents but you must also use strategy and play the odds in order to win.

You beat the odds by playing only certain starting hands from given positions at the table, adjusting your play based upon the game situation, understanding other players' styles, and by developing a strategy for winning, throwing your weight (chip stack) around at the right times, and by sitting out at other times. No, it's far from gambling for many of us. However, for those who don't possess the requisite skills, it is gambling more often than it's not, since skill is much less of a factor for such players. Since the basic rules are deceptively simple, people often have no idea why they're beaten.

What makes it very different from traditional casino gambling games, though, is that you're not playing against the house. The online poker room takes a "rake", a percentage of the money that's in play (e.g., 10% or so), which is how the online poker room generates revenues. It doesn't really matter who wins or loses, since the poker operator always gets paid for hosting the game.

I'll cover popular online poker rooms in a future article in more detail, but suffice it to say, there's gold in them there hills and the claims have been staked by the market leaders, who are raking in fortunes providing their sophisticated online service businesses to millions of eager players worldwide.

Since these business aren't allowed to operate within U.S. borders, they're virtually unregulated (at least by U.S. standards) and new ones continue to pop up every month. Now I don't want to make it sound like everyone who plays online is playing with real money - quite the contrary. There's an enormous number of players who just use "play money" and have a real blast playing and socializing via the use of instant messaging and interactions through the online poker room site.

So, is the poker phenomenon a trend or just another fad that's destined to take it's place in our video library, beside Smokey and the Bandit and that CB radio wave that crested in the 1970's? Hard to say for sure. One thing is for certain. A lot of people are having fun playing in online poker rooms, at traditional casinos and in their own home games - while an army of others are supplying that demand, and making a boatload of money in the process.

Until next time - Good Luck!


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Understanding The Logistics of Poker Tournaments

Tournaments are poker competitions where all of the players play at the same time and go on to play until lone 1 player is left. Tournaments are merriment to play in, have got a low entry fees and offering a big award pool to be won. For these grounds they are a very popular. They are cheap manner for novitiate poker players to larn how to play the game, as well as a providing a place for more than experienced players addition experience.

While there are many different types of poker games played at casinos and online rooms, tournament play is usually reserved for Texas Hold'em, Omaha, and 7-card Stud, because these games have got got a big following.

Poker tournaments can have as few as 6 players (single table tournaments) to thousands of players for bigger events. Large tournaments dwell of many tables, each table having 8 to 10 players. The tables are slowly removed from the tourney as players are eliminated, and players are balanced from table to table as needed. (These are known as multi-table tournaments). Finally all but the last table will be removed and these last 8 to 10 players play until lone 1 of them remains.

Tournament Basics

To play in a tournament players have got to pay two fees. They have got to pay an entry fee to the poker room hosting the tournament to cover the disbursals involved. This gives the player an assigned place and a set measure of tournament chips with which to play (these chips have got no cash value). Players also pay a buy-in fee. The buy-in fee is held and paid out as prizes. The award payout differs from tournament to tournament but typically it all travels to the few players fortunate adequate to do the concluding table.

The physical object of a tournament is to win all of the chips. All tournament players start out with the same measure of chips to play with and all start playing at the same time. Players play until they lose all of their chips and are then removed from the tournament. A tournament goes on non-stop, often for respective hours, until lone 1 individual remains. As playing comes on the bet rise (Blinds are doubled on a timed interval), making it more than than and more hard for players with short tons to stay in the game.

Players are awarded award money based on their finishing place in the tournament. The top finishers gain the most money with the 1st place winner usually receiving about 30% of the sum award money, the 2nd place winner about 20% and so on. The figure of winners and the size of the payouts depend upon the rules for the tournament being played and the figure of people playing.

Re-buys and Add-ons

Some poker tournaments let players a re-buy option. This re-buy option lets players to buy more than chips if they run out of them at the start of the tournament. A player can buy the same figure of chips that he/she started the tournament with. Some poker tournaments let limitless re-buys during the first hr of play, while other tournaments let only a single re-buy.

An add-on option is similar to the re-buy option. Add-ons differ in that they are usually only offered once at the end of the re-buy period and can be purchased regardless of how many chips you have. As the name connotes these chips are added on to your stack of chips.

All return from re-buys and add-ons are added to the award pool less house fees (if applicable).


Tournament betting is structured with the betting bounds increasing regularly. The alterations in betting bounds happen differently depending on the tournament; some are timed while some addition the bounds after a set figure of units of ammunition are played.

Balancing and Collapsing Tables

Larger tournaments start out with more than than one table, each having 8 to 10 players. As the tournament comes on players will be eliminated and the figure of players at each table will not stay the same. For the tournament to be just the figure of players at each table should be the same, so the organisers move players from table to table in an effort to maintain all the tables equally populated.

Balancing is the pattern of moving players from full tables to less full tables when the difference is 3 or more than players.

Collapsing tables is the pattern of removing tables once there are enough empty spaces among the remainder of the tables to make so. Thus with 10 player tables when there are 10 empty spaces the players from one table are moved to empty spaces and that table is taken out of play.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Help Become a Consistent Winner at Online Low-Limit Texas Hold 'Em by Playing at the "Easy" Tables

Select Advantageous Tables

Table choice is one of the most overlooked facets of winning at poker. It goes even more than of import in the world of online play. Unlike brick and howitzer games, cyberspace poker minimizes the barriers to shift tables. In addition, many sites supply infinite tables to choose from. It would be foolish not to work table choice to its fullest to assist improve your win charge per unit at poker. This holds true regardless of the type of game you are playing, but is extremely moneymaking in bounds Texas Hold ‘Em because of its current popularity resulting in a big figure of tables from which a player can choose from. You can sit down at a table with three world champs and still do money if the game have a few really mediocre players in it. The importance of mediocre players at your table cannot be overstated. This is where the money come ups from, everyone else at the table is just arguing over how much of it they should get!

So how make I choose an advantageous table? Great question, I was hoping you would inquire that! There are respective factors such as as norm pot size, floating-point operation percentage, figure of players with short-stacks, and figure of weak oppositions in the game.

Average Pot Size

For starters, many people like to analyze the table’s norm pot size. Park belief is that the bigger the norm pot size is, the more than moneymaking your opportunities are at this table. Personally, I have got establish amalgamated results with this approach. Bigger pot sizes sometimes bespeak looser and weaker opponents, but many times they simply bespeak more than aggressive opponents. Aggressive oppositions may be maniacs, but they may also be extremely skilled players and differentiating between the two can often be difficult. There are a few more than points I would wish to add about maniacs. Although they will lose their money in the long-run, playing against a maniac, or multiple maniacs, greatly increases your expected variance. In the long-run, this should work itself out, but many players, particularly learning players, may not desire to incur high discrepancies while they larn the game and construct their bankroll. Another point on lunatics is that they are tougher oppositions to play than less aggressive mediocre players because they go nearly impossible to set on a manus since they wager and raise with anything. Without any other information to trust on, choosing a table based on its norm pot size have some merit, but I believe true long-term profits resulting from table choice come up from selecting tables with weak players and not simply from selecting tables with high norm pot sizes.

Flop Percentage

Personally, I like playing at tables with high floating-point operation percentages. I would take a table with a high floating-point operation per centum over a table with a high norm pot size any twenty-four hours of the week. High floating-point operation percents bespeak that many players are paying to see the flop. This additional bespeaks that these oppositions have got relatively loose starting manus requirements. This gives tight players (like you will be if you when you follow the advice in the Texas Aid ‘Em guide or in the bounds Hold ‘Em guide of your choice) an advantage right out of the shoot. They will be playing the dominated hands and experiencing all of the kicker trouble. It will be their flushes and heterosexuals that lose to higher flushes and straights. This is where the money come ups from. There is nil more frustrating that consistently losing to an opposition who looks to always have got a higher kicker. That opposition can be you in games with high floating-point operation percentages. Many sites will print a table’s floating-point operation percentage. Unfortunately, not all sites make print this. If you are really dedicated, you can track a table for approximately 20 hands and acquire a good thought of where it stands. However, I recognize many players won’t take the time to make this. In these lawsuits what you can make is get tracking the floating-point operation per centum for the first 20 or so hands after you start playing. If it is high, you are very likely at a moneymaking table. If it is low and you have got not noticed any mediocre players during those 20 hands, it might be time to look elsewhere for a game.

Chip Stack Sizes

Another method of table choice that I believe is deserving mentioning is examining the player’s chips sizes at the table. In general, only mediocre players will play short stacked. After you read my advice on opposition tracking (not yet available, but coming soon, delight bank check back), you will larn why this is a symptom of a weak player (hence you will NOT play short stacked). Without any other cognition about a player, their stack size can be remarkably telling. When selecting a table to play at, if I don’t acknowledge any bad players, don’t have got entree to table floating-point operation percentages, and don’t feel like going to warfare with a clump of lunatics (or worse, a clump of skilled aggressive opponents), I often look for a table with respective people playing short-stacked. As I play there and path my opponent's play, I will be able to more than accurately stereotype these oppositions and I can then take whether or not I desire to go on to play at this table.

Number of Weak Players

Finally, allow me cover the best and most moneymaking method of table selection. If you only take away one thing from this website, do this be it. Sit at tables with known bad players. Let me reiterate this. Sit at tables with known bad players. I cannot exaggerate the importance of this.

You might be thinking “well how make I cognize who is a bad player” and “how make I cognize where these bad players are sitting”. This is information you must obtain over time. As you play, you will be tracking your opponent's play (the Texas Aid 'Em guide, available at, supplies respective suggestions for how to make this). Please maintain in head that tracking your opponent's play is not solely done to be able to precisely foretell what cards he currently has. It is done for a assortment of reasons. It will let you to categorize, or stereotype, your opposition into a peculiar type of player. Yes, one benefit of this stereotype is that it will let you to break play your hands against them. However, this classification will also assist you in table selection. The easiest player to place is a really bad player. They play too many hands, repeatedly do bad calls, neglect to capitalise on their large hands, etc… Arsenic you track your opponent’s play and place weak players (some similar to mention to them simply as "fish"), do a short letter of them. Most poker sites have got some sort of brother tracking software system (e.g. UltimateBuddy is used by UltimateBet, or the Buddy listing provided by PartyPoker). Add these players to your brother list. Over time, your listing will turn and supply you with the best agency of table selection. Why play against unknown oppositions when you can play against known weak opponents?

For a further treatment on table choice and player tracking as well as additional keys to becoming a consistent winner at online low-limit Texas Hold ‘Em, delight visit my website at

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Learn How To Prevent And Cope With Bad Beats Through Logic

Ok. This chapter is HUGE in you’re pursuit to do money at online hold ‘em. I’m not going to give you bad beat narratives or state you that they go on to everyone because we already cognize that. Bad beats are sort of like the weather, everyone negotiation about it but no 1 can change it. I’m now going to learn you secrets to preventing bad beats and the mental border to acquire over it when a chump takes your money on a BB shot (bad beat).

Preventing bad beats is a immense portion in playing good poker. I will now state you the figure 1 job with most online poker players…

Slow playing (Getting a really good manus such as as trips, 2- brace or a high brace with good kicker).

You cognize what I’m talking about here. We’ve all gotten trips and said to ourselves, “Man, Iodine ought to decelerate play this manus so I can do more than money off this sucker.”

This is a formula for bad beats. Take it from me. The wages isn’t just deserving the hazard involved. In a cash game, you could lose 10% of you’re bankroll from slow playing. I’ve done it and I’m certain you will make it sometime soon. The cardinal here is, LEARN FROM IT. Listen close.

The lone hands you desire to decelerate play are full houses, good high card flushes, 4 of a kind, and maybe a straight. That’s it. Push trips, 2- pair, and high braces difficult and I vouch that you’re bad beats will decrease by 50%.

Now we’ll talk about how to get by with them. After a bad beat if you are mad, delight halt playing for

about 5 minutes. Bad beats sucking and they will set most people on tilt if it’s for a big sum of money of money. Here’s A good tip. Walk away from the computing machine or table. Just acquire up and walk away and retrieve that money isn’t always the most of import thing in you’re life. This logic will assist to set you back on you’re game. Use this logic to set you back into you’re A-Game. Here’s what you should state to assist you defeat the situation…

“I just took this atrocious beat, but my married woman and children are far more than of import than this money will ever be.”


“After taking this bad beat, I necessitate to retrieve what counts most, God.”

Or even…

“After taking this bad beat, I necessitate to believe about the people who are starving and dying in states around the world.”

This mightiness sound pathetic but it is a proved manner to convert your head that you’re over the beat. Use logic and logical thinking and please, talk the truth to yourself so you can acquire over the bad beat. I vouch you that if you believe of poker like this, more than people will esteem you for not showing how immature you are, and you’re poker game will soar up to new heights.

Now for the existent secret to taking bad beats. This secret might stun you. Many players may cognize this secret but most volition never cognize how of import this is. This secret set my game over the top and have allowed me to do dozens of money. Ready?


Let me explain.

Say you’re bankroll is 400 bucks. You purchase in to a no bounds table for 200 bucks. You take a bad beat. You travel on tilt. You’re saying, “Why am I on tilt! I used the logic that Fred gave me and it’s still not working!” I’ll state you why you’re on tilt. Half of you’re money is now gone.

Hell I would be on tilt too!

Does this story sound familiar? Sure it does. I discussed it in the beginning of this book. I state it again because it is the most of import thing you will ever read about making money at online poker! Please, if you take nil else from this book, REMEMBER THIS TIP. It just might salvage you from going out of your head some day.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Use Scare Cards to Win Pots

How you wager when a panic card hits is best determined by your read of your opponent’s playing style, playing place and chip stack size. Whether playing online or live, you should seek to classify the other players as tight or loose, inactive or aggressive. If your read is right it could assist you win 4 or 5 supernumeraries hands during your playing session.

For example, you have a brace of Queens (Qc, Qh) (or 10’s or J’s) from two seating off (right of) the trader button. Only one player in center place have entered the manus before you. You raise 3 times the large blind. Everyone to your left creases except for the large unsighted who calls. The center place player re-raises to 6 large unsighted bets. You call. The large unsighted calls.

The floating-point operation is Ks, 9d, 6d.

The player in the large unsighted checks. The center place player stakes 3 large unsighted bets.

What make you make - call, rise or fold? The Kansas is a definite panic card. This is where your read of the player , playing place and chip stack size come ups into play.

The large unsighted checked. Your read is that this player is tight - passive. As a tight player, she only plays high cards and braces of 8 or higher whenever a pre-flop rise was made by another player. She most likely is holding an Type A or K. She may have got a K-T but being inactive she is afraid to wager in presence of your rise and the center place players pre-flop re-raise. She may even experience that she is slow playing the top pair.

The center place player is loose - aggressive. Being loose, he will wager with A-x, K-x, any two suited, connected cards. Thus, he may have got K-x or he may be on a draw with a Q,J. Consistent to form, this loose - aggressive player do it 3 large unsighted stakes on the flop.

If your read of the players is correct, you are probably behind. What make you do?


There are 21.5 stakes in the pot. Why profess this pot just because of the K? By raising you prove your oppositions convictions, addition additional information about their hands and bend the panic card Kansas into your strength, not weakness.

The tight - inactive player, even with a Kh, Tc, might fold, fearing that your pre-flop rise and re-raise on the floating-point operation is representing an A-K, A-A, K-K Oregon 9-9’s, especially if you have got established a tight table image. She most likely would not set you on 6’s since they be given to play best in multi-way pots of 4 or more than players. Your pre-flop re-raise was designed to thin the field.

Likewise, the loose - aggressive player might also fold up if he is only on a draw such as as Qh, Jc or hit just a center brace with Ac, 9h.

Unfortunately, both players name your raise. There are now 36.5 stakes in the pot. The bend card is 5d. The board is now Ks, 9d, 6d, 5d.

The 5d is another panic card. The tight - inactive player checks, fearing a possible flush. The loose - aggressive player also bank checks since you re-raised him twice. If either player stakes this 2nd panic card then you are most likely beat. A better here is not afraid of your two re-raises Oregon the 3 diamonds on the board. If stake into here, fold.

Otherwise, if both players check, stake again! Your deficiency of fearfulness of the Kansas or the 3 diamonds will do it very hard for the tight - inactive player even with the king or the loose - aggressive player with lone a draw or center brace to continue. Plus, you do not desire to supply a free card that may make their hand. Nor make you desire to demo any failing or vacillation at this point.

With 36.5 stakes in the pot, stake THE POT! This put option intense pressure on your opponents. The tight - inactive player will fold, convinced that her Kelvin -T is beat. Her passiveness and deficiency of strong belief will be her ain undoing. The loose - aggressive player will fold. He was only on a draw or only had in-between pair. It’s not deserving 36 more than stakes to chase after the draw or hope that you are only bluffing. If he makes phone call you, you are actually still ahead. Your Q’s still beat his draw and predominate the 9’s. Again, your tight mental image do this phone call very difficult.

The cardinal to winning this manus came down to your read of your opponents. The high hand, the K’s, was held by the tight - inactive player who you felt confident that you could bluff off the hand. The loose - aggressive player didn’t hit the K. Your re-raise of his floating-point operation stake revealed this when he checked the turn. A bank check rise by him on the bend would signalize that he had the K’s Oregon hit the flush. It is dubious that he would check up on raise you with nil when you’ve raised him twice already.

Again, the read of your opposition is key. If your loose - aggressive player is any of the following types then your ability to strike hard them off his manus will depend on his chip stack size. If your loose - aggressive player is a career station and will chase after any of his two card holdings to the river then this play may not work. Likewise, the loose - aggressive player who have been on a haste and have a solid stack of chips is not the best campaigner to seek to drive off his hand. Feeling invincible, this player may take to dispute you with anything. As declared earlier, you may still be ahead but you will lose occasionally to this river pursuer who fortunes out and sucks out on you. And lastly, the loose - aggressive lunatic will most likely phone call any bet. If both players who saw the floating-point operation are lunatics it is probably ineffectual to seek to thin the field unless the lunatics have got only average to little chip stacks. With so-so chip tons even a lunatic will be not able to wager into your strength with anything less than the top brace with top kicker, especially if your pot size stake will set half or more than of their remaining chips at risk. However, even the lunatic have to be smart adequate to acknowledge the strength of the manus that you are representing. If he is a player that lone plays his/her manus and never looks to believe about what his oppositions may be holding then this technique will not work.

In sum, panic cards necessitate only be panic cards to your opponents. Don’t automatically sludge your pair, such as as Q’s, if a panic card hits. Before you fold, believe about your oppositions playing style, their relative place to you and their chip stack size Can they be knocked off their hand? If you wager the flop, can you cut down the field down to no more than than two players? Ideally, no more than than 2 other players even saw the flop. If your stake of the floating-point operation doesn’t thin the field then you are most likely behind. As with any hand, the more than players in the pot, the less likely that a brace of Q’s Oregon less in rank will hold up to the river even without any panic cards on the board. With 3 or more than than players against you, one or more players is, most likely, holding an ace or king. Even if no ace or king hit on the flop, an ace or king will still hit on the bend or river 17% ( about 1 manus out of 6) of the time. Your floating-point operation stake must be big adequate to acquire the tight player to fold up his/her ace or king if the floating-point operation did not improve their hand. If as in the illustration above, the floating-point operation includes an ace or king, you may be able to utilize the above technique provided you are competing against no more than than than 2 players.

Remember, for this technique to work, your pre-flop rise or re-raise of a pre-flop rise must be big adequate to thin the field to no more than 2 other players. With three or more than players in the pot, your ability to strike hard that many players off of their manus is quite small. If 3 or more than players name and an ace or king hit’s the floating-point operation then you are most likely beaten. When 3 or more than players come in a strong pre-flop raised manus or re-raised pre-flop hand, you can safely presume that respective aces and/or kings have got been dealt or another brace or two have been dealt. With this many strong pre-flop hands to play against mind of a floating-point operation that results in two pair, if two high cards hit or trips.

Thus, if you’ve studied your oppositions playing style, you have got place on him/her and their chip stack is only average or littler then give this technique a try. Under the right circumstances, you’ll often be able to turn a panic card or two to your advantage rather than allow it frighten you from the hand.