Sunday, August 03, 2008

Learn How To Prevent And Cope With Bad Beats Through Logic

Ok. This chapter is HUGE in you’re pursuit to do money at online hold ‘em. I’m not going to give you bad beat narratives or state you that they go on to everyone because we already cognize that. Bad beats are sort of like the weather, everyone negotiation about it but no 1 can change it. I’m now going to learn you secrets to preventing bad beats and the mental border to acquire over it when a chump takes your money on a BB shot (bad beat).

Preventing bad beats is a immense portion in playing good poker. I will now state you the figure 1 job with most online poker players…

Slow playing (Getting a really good manus such as as trips, 2- brace or a high brace with good kicker).

You cognize what I’m talking about here. We’ve all gotten trips and said to ourselves, “Man, Iodine ought to decelerate play this manus so I can do more than money off this sucker.”

This is a formula for bad beats. Take it from me. The wages isn’t just deserving the hazard involved. In a cash game, you could lose 10% of you’re bankroll from slow playing. I’ve done it and I’m certain you will make it sometime soon. The cardinal here is, LEARN FROM IT. Listen close.

The lone hands you desire to decelerate play are full houses, good high card flushes, 4 of a kind, and maybe a straight. That’s it. Push trips, 2- pair, and high braces difficult and I vouch that you’re bad beats will decrease by 50%.

Now we’ll talk about how to get by with them. After a bad beat if you are mad, delight halt playing for

about 5 minutes. Bad beats sucking and they will set most people on tilt if it’s for a big sum of money of money. Here’s A good tip. Walk away from the computing machine or table. Just acquire up and walk away and retrieve that money isn’t always the most of import thing in you’re life. This logic will assist to set you back on you’re game. Use this logic to set you back into you’re A-Game. Here’s what you should state to assist you defeat the situation…

“I just took this atrocious beat, but my married woman and children are far more than of import than this money will ever be.”


“After taking this bad beat, I necessitate to retrieve what counts most, God.”

Or even…

“After taking this bad beat, I necessitate to believe about the people who are starving and dying in states around the world.”

This mightiness sound pathetic but it is a proved manner to convert your head that you’re over the beat. Use logic and logical thinking and please, talk the truth to yourself so you can acquire over the bad beat. I vouch you that if you believe of poker like this, more than people will esteem you for not showing how immature you are, and you’re poker game will soar up to new heights.

Now for the existent secret to taking bad beats. This secret might stun you. Many players may cognize this secret but most volition never cognize how of import this is. This secret set my game over the top and have allowed me to do dozens of money. Ready?


Let me explain.

Say you’re bankroll is 400 bucks. You purchase in to a no bounds table for 200 bucks. You take a bad beat. You travel on tilt. You’re saying, “Why am I on tilt! I used the logic that Fred gave me and it’s still not working!” I’ll state you why you’re on tilt. Half of you’re money is now gone.

Hell I would be on tilt too!

Does this story sound familiar? Sure it does. I discussed it in the beginning of this book. I state it again because it is the most of import thing you will ever read about making money at online poker! Please, if you take nil else from this book, REMEMBER THIS TIP. It just might salvage you from going out of your head some day.


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