Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Don't Slow Play Your Way Out Of Big Pots!

Slow play is a term used in poker – especially Texas Holdem - for trying to entice your oppositions into making a large stake so that you can trap them and take down a big pot.

It is usually used with a very good pre-flop manus such as as pocket Aces on Kings. Instead of betting big, the slow player will sit down back and flaccid in (call or check) as if he doesn't have got got a manus worth betting, hoping that an opposition will have caught a less brace or a consecutive draw and will come up in with a large bet.

It is a classic poker manouever and one which have won a batch of money for poker players down through the ages, but it have lost it's effectiveness. The simple ground for this is that everybody is now slow playing their large hands so it is almost expected.

So how make you utilize this state of affairs to your advantage?

If you catch a large hand, you necessitate to come up out betting. Instead of trying to allure your oppositions into making a move so that you can come up in over the top, do the stake yourself. Now most recreational players balk at the idea of this in lawsuit the remainder of the table creases and they "waste" their large hand, but in world you will normally always acquire some betting action from somebody.

By betting your large manus instead of decelerate playing it, you are performing a dual bluff since most people would slow play it. Your oppositions will often presume you are bluffing and you will acquire some betting action and ultimately win more than money.

The other ground you should wager is that if you don't bet, you are allowing your oppositions a free expression at the cards and every time a card is turned over they could be converting a losing manus to a winning one.

There is only 1 state of affairs where it will always pay to decelerate play your manus - when you floating-point operation an absolute monster that almost cannot be beaten. For illustration state you are dealt Ace, Four of baseball baseball clubs and the floating-point operation is Queen, Ten, Nine of clubs. You have got just flopped the nut flush and you're pretty much unbeatable. all right person could have got a brace of Queens, Tens or Nines and catch a 4th on the bend or river, or they could be holding the King of baseball clubs and catch the Jack for a consecutive flush, but the opportunities of you not winning are now remote.

This is the time to decelerate play your hand. There are all kinds of hands that person else might be holding to do them believe they are in a good place here; two other clubs, a consecutive draw, three-base hits or even just a Queen for the top pair, whatever they've got the opportunities are person will believe it's worth betting. If the floating-point operation or river bring forths a King, Queen Jack, Ten or Nine you might acquire a large rise or even an all-in from somebody.

Now you allow them construct the pot up by just calling the stakes and take down the pot with your nut flush.


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